General conditions and terms of use of the website

1.Purpose of this document

These general conditions regulate access and use of the website located at
the domain owned by lisanplast, S.L., domiciled in Librilla, Aut. del
Mediterranean A-7 km-589 30892 Librilla (Murcia).

2. User

Any person who accesses the website must read the General Conditions in force in
the moment of its access, and you must refrain from using it if you are not fully
in accordance with its content. The mere use of the website attributes the condition of
“User” and implies full acceptance of these General Conditions. For that reason, you
Please read this document carefully.

3. Services

The Internet website available at the domain: referred to as
hereinafter “web page”), offers services and information on industrial activities and
commercials and the range of products of Lisanplast, S.L. All services are provided to you
person and you will access them through the Internet through the use of the device and system
operating system of your own choice: desktop or laptop computer, mobile phone, tablet, console and
other devices available on the market with which the website can be accessed. He
Use of the website is free of charge, with the understanding that it will be borne by the
User the costs of Internet access, as well as those derived, where appropriate, from the
acquisition of licenses to use computer applications necessary to use the page
web. The User accepts that the use of the website is carried out in any case under his/her sole and exclusive
exclusive responsibility. When using the website, the User undertakes not to
falsify your identity, not to carry out any conduct that could damage the image, the
interests and rights of Lisanplast, S.L. or third parties or that is contrary to law, morality or
public order or may damage, disable, overload or impede in any way the normal
use of the website. Lisanplast, S.L. adopts security measures to detect
existence of viruses. However, the User is aware and accepts that the security measures
security available for computer systems on the Internet are not entirely reliable and
that, therefore, Lisanplast, S.L. cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements
that may cause alterations in the computer systems (software and hardware) of the
User or in their electronic documents and files contained in the above.

4. Intellectual and industrial property rights

All content that the website incorporates or displays, including – but not only bases
of data, computer applications, distinctive signs, logos, photographs, fragments of
audiovisual works, graphic designs or any other, are subject to copyright.
intellectual and industrial property of which Lisanplast, S.L. or your business partners are
exclusive owners or assignees with the required scope, and this The reproduction, distribution
or public communication of the website, any of its parts or the software is
contrary to the Spanish Intellectual Property Law and may involve civil and legal sanctions.
penalties. It is also not permitted to delete messages or material available in relation to the
copyright or similar, from the website. Downloading and digital reproduction of others
contents of the website or parts of it are only permitted for personal use,
non-commercial, unless another purpose is agreed with Lisanplast, S.L.

5. Exclusion of liability

The information and services on the website are provided without any express warranty or
implicit of its accuracy or completeness. Lisanplast, S.L. You also have the right to modify,
suspend or withdraw the contents or services of any of the products described in the
website at any time and without prior notice. In case you consider that in the
web page there is any illegal content or that infringes rights, content subject to
copyright that have not been authorized for web communication, false attributions of
authorship, criminal offenses, offenses that threaten the honor and privacy of people or
infringements of protected trademarks, among others, you can report to:
The document must include the reference “Infringing or Illegal Content” and contain the
following information:

• Name, surname, ID and your contact information
• The content or contents of the website that you consider infringing rights or illegal
• The reason why you consider that this content is illegal, as well as the rights
infringed and who is responsible
• A statement in which you are responsible for the veracity of this communication.
Lisanplast, S.L. is not responsible for communications between Lisanplast, S.L. and you
person. Furthermore, if links are established to a third-party website, Lisanplast, S.L.
nor is it responsible for the content of said third-party web pages. This includes
links to the website of partners that can use the logos of Lisanplast, S.L. as
part of a co-branding agreement. Lisanplast, S.L. cannot, in any case, be responsible
for damages from any use of the website, including but not limited to
loss of revenue, business interruptions, loss of data, malfunctions
or similar losses.

6. User Communications

All materials, information or other communications provided and/or published by your
person on the website will be considered non-confidential and non-exclusive, and do not give you
right to any type of refund or other fees. Lisanplast, S.L. you can use such
materials, information, etc., free of charge, including for the granting of license for the
exploitation thereof, although with respect for your privacy.

7. Bad use

It is prohibited to use the website to publish or transmit any material that is or
may be unlawful, threatening, deceptive, subversive, defamatory, invasive of privacy,
obscene, abusive, discriminatory, illegal or any material that could constitute or encourage
conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, violate the rights of any of
the parties or that could give rise to civil liability or violate any law. It is also
It is prohibited to use the website to advertise or carry out any commercial activity.

8. Personal data

Lisanplas, S.L. observa la ley española sobre tratamiento de datos personales en su
tratamiento de los mismos: Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre de Protección de Datos
de Carácter Personal, (LOPD) que adopta la Directiva 95/46/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del
Consejo, de 24 de octubre de 1995, relativa a la protección de las personas respecto al
tratamiento de datos personales y a la libre circulación de estos datos. En cualquier momento
te podrás poner en contacto con Lisanplast, S.L. para obtener información sobre los datos de
que disponemos sobre tu persona, para que éstos sean eliminados o corregidos. Para cualquier
duda o comentario a este respecto, puedes ponerte en contacto con
Recuerda que, de acuerdo con la normativa en vigor, tienes el derecho de acceso, rectificación,
cancelación y oposición de tus datos personales que podrás ejercer a través de la siguiente
dirección: También permites que Lisanplast, S.L. gestione, de
manera anónima, tus datos personales y los copie, procese, utilice, exhiba públicamente y
distribuya dichos datos. These data processed in this way are no longer considered “personal data” and
will be used exclusively for statistical and measurement purposes by us or by the
companies that we hire to carry out the analysis and monitoring of our website
(Google Analytics). You give your explicit consent to Lisanplast, S.l. in order to transfer and
make public the content, including personal data, that you automatically upload to
Internet through the use of the services of Therefore, your data
by default – will be public and made available to the public on the Internet from
any country in the world. Your email address and number are excluded from the previous case.
telephone numbers that will not be public, unless you decide to do so. The management and
processing of data, which is considered an integral part of these terms and conditions,
is described in more detail in our Privacy Policy. Remind you that, by accepting these
terms and conditions, also implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy. Reason for
which we recommend that you read carefully.

9. Various

We reserve the right to revise these terms and conditions at any time. Is
You may wish to periodically visit this page to stay up to date with possible
updates. However, we will notify you of them by email and you may be contacted again.
to ask to accept the changes to these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these changes, you will be
may deny access to the website, in part or in whole. Lisanplast, S.L. reserves the
right, at its own discretion and without prior notice, to remove information from the page
website or suspend it.

10. Nullity

If any part of these terms and conditions is considered illegal or invalid and, therefore
therefore, unenforceable, this will not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of the terms and

11. Applicable law

These general conditions are governed by common Spanish law.