LISANPLAST is committed to renewable energies, using 100% green energy.
We connect to green energy with the installation in our company of a photovoltaic plant for self-consumption.
Renewable energies are the cleanest alternative for the environment. They are found in nature in unlimited quantities and, once consumed, can be regenerated naturally or artificially. According to the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), compared to conventional sources, renewable energies are clean resources whose impact is practically zero and always reversible.
– Solar energy. This type of energy is provided to us by the sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation (mainly light, heat and ultraviolet rays). The use of the sun’s energy can be derived from solar thermal energy (used to produce low-temperature hot water for sanitary use and heating), solar photovoltaic energy (through semiconductor plates that alter with solar radiation), etc.
Project name:
Photovoltaic solar installation for self-consumption of 152.64 kW Peak Power
1- Objective of the action: Achieve a cleaner and more sustainable economy
Promotion of the use of renewable energies by companies, particularly SMEs.
2-Result of the performance:
-Energy savings: 20,521 toe/year
– Production capacity: 152,645Wp
– Emission savings: 83.11 tCO2/year
2- Processing status: Granted
3-Total investment made: €216,560
4-Financial support from the Union
– Total grant awarded: €97,452
– Financing from the ERDF: €77,967.60,881,m,3684$m122,618