Lisanplast S.L. with registered office at Aut. del Mediterráneo A-7 Km 589 30892-
LIBRILLA (Murcia), is the owner of the website In accordance with
the regulations currently in force regarding data protection (LOPD), as well as
regarding information society services and electronic commerce
(LSSI-CE), the user accepts that the personal data provided at the time of
registration, or any other provided to Lisanplast S.L. for the hiring of their
services within the website, are incorporated into files owned by this company,
in order to facilitate the provision of the requested services.
Lisanplast S.L. undertakes to comply with its obligation of data secrecy
of a personal nature and its duty to treat them with confidentiality, and assumes, to these
effects, the technical, organizational and security measures necessary to avoid
its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions
in Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data
Personnel, and other applicable legislation.
No personal data of users will be transferred, unless the user authorizes it.
expressly. It should be added that for the registration of national domains and
international, the user information necessary to carry out the
record. This information can be consulted publicly through Whois
The user may exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition
by writing to Aut. del Mediterráneo A-7 Km 589 30892-LIBRILLA
(Murcia), or to the email address Likewise
At any time the user may revoke, without retroactive effect, his/her
consent for the processing of your data.